Basic Information
Title: The Holy Way
Size: 60cm by 50cm
Materials: Silk Gloss Paint, Cotton Canvas
Made: 18/06/2015
Availability: NOT AVAILABLE
The impossible road goes from the bottom to the the top passing some holes. It's surrealistic. It could even be religious.
Background Story
I always liked the impossible drawings made by Escher and always wanted to make on for myself. After a night out in Amsterdam me and Andrew were standing on the Warmoesstraat waiting for some Spanish friends to decide what to do next. All of a sudden a guy came by and Andrew started to talk with him. He seemed to be an artist. Andrew said to him that he was interested in art and wanted to start art school. The guy invited us to his small house next to the Oudekerk to talk about art a bit more. He showed us some of his work and we've sit outside for at least an hour talking about arts. When I came home I couldn't sleep because of all the inspiration I got. I decided to start drawing something i always wanted to draw: Impossible figures.
After making Thinking Out Of The Box I wanted to make a second impossible figure. I scetched it out a bit beter and decided not to use round holes as I drew them on my first scetch as I wasn't skilled enough for that yet. During that same week I met Andrew again. He spoke to me about my recent painting and I told him that I liked Thinking out of the Box but that it wasn't strong enough, that I wanted to have other background colors, or fill up the triangle areas in the colors I used in my former paintings. He said to me: Why don't you fill up the structure itself. I agreed that this would be definitely something I would consider resulting in this second impossible painting.